In my previous two posts I showed how to setup a schema for the TPC-H tables and test data. A related test system called the Star Schema Benchmark (SSB) from Pat O’Neil, Betty O’Neil, and Xuedong Chen at the University of Massachusetts at Boston alters the TPC-H structures to create a warehousing data model.
The SSB is documented here. As with the TPC-H setup, a modified version of the dbgen utility creates the data can also be found on the UMass site here.
Unzip the dbgen file somewhere on your linux system. As of the time of this writing June 5, 2009 Revision 3 is the current version of the SSB. In the future the steps may change slightly but should be fairly similar to what is described below.
When you unzip, a directory dbgen will be created. Change to that directory, make a copy of the makefile template and edit it. The SSB version of dbgen doesn’t support Oracle but that’s not necessary for the data setup, only the query generation requires a database. So you can pick any of the supported databases for the purposes of data creation.
$ cd dbgen $ cp makefile.suite makefile $ vi makefile
Within the makefile, change the following lines
Then make will create the dbgen utility. You’ll get several warnings but since we’re not distributing the resulting binary and have controlled usage they are safe to ignore.
Oracle offers a training lab for the 12c In-Memory option utilizing the SSB schema. Their training guide states the test system is based on a 50GB scale; but the query results illustrated in the guide show only a 4GB data set, so I’ll demonstrate the same here.
We’ll generate a small, approximately 4GB, set of test data and place it in a directory we’ll use later for the upload into the Oracle tables. Unlike the TPC-H dbgen you must generate each file type individually.
$ ./dbgen -s 4 -T c $ ./dbgen -s 4 -T p $ ./dbgen -s 4 -T s $ ./dbgen -s 4 -T d $ ./dbgen -s 4 -T l $ mv *.tbl /home/oracle/ssb
Within the database, set up the SSB schema. All tables will be created according to the layouts described in section 2 of the SSB specification. For the purposes of data import, a set of external tables will also be created. These are not part of SSB itself and may be left in place or dropped after data load is complete. The SSB specification describes primary keys and foreign keys but no check constraints. The TPC-H schema allows NOT NULL declarations so I’ve included them here as well. If you prefer, simply remove the “NOT NULL” in the DDL below to allow nulls. The dbgen utility will populate every column though. The descriptions of a couple tables have some errors which I’ve made note of in the comments below. One is a partially documented; but seemingly unused column which I have removed. The other is on the date table which defines a day-of-week column of 8 characters but dbgen creates some days of 9 letters in length (“Wednesday”.)
One final change, the “DATE” table has been renamed “DATE_DIM” since DATE is an Oracle keyword. This change also makes the schema compatible with the Oracle In-Memory lab.
CREATE USER ssb IDENTIFIED BY ssb; GRANT CREATE SESSION, CREATE TABLE, CREATE ANY DIRECTORY, UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO ssb; CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY ssb_dir AS '/home/oracle/ssb'; GRANT READ, WRITE ON DIRECTORY ssb_dir TO ssb; CREATE TABLE ssb.ext_lineorder ( lo_orderkey INTEGER, lo_linenumber NUMBER(1, 0), lo_custkey INTEGER, lo_partkey INTEGER, lo_suppkey INTEGER, lo_orderdate INTEGER, lo_orderpriority CHAR(15), lo_shippriority CHAR(1), lo_quantity NUMBER(2, 0), lo_extendedprice NUMBER, lo_ordtotalprice NUMBER, lo_discount NUMBER(2, 0), lo_revenue NUMBER, lo_supplycost NUMBER, --lo_ordsupplycost NUMBER, -- this is mentioned in 2.2 Notes(c) but isn't in the layout or sample queries, so not needed? lo_tax NUMBER(1, 0), lo_commitdate INTEGER, lo_shipmode CHAR(10) ) ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL (TYPE oracle_loader DEFAULT DIRECTORY ssb_dir ACCESS PARAMETERS ( FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' MISSING FIELD VALUES ARE NULL ) LOCATION('lineorder.tbl*')) PARALLEL 4; CREATE TABLE ssb.lineorder ( lo_orderkey INTEGER NOT NULL, lo_linenumber NUMBER(1, 0) NOT NULL, lo_custkey INTEGER NOT NULL, lo_partkey INTEGER NOT NULL, lo_suppkey INTEGER NOT NULL, lo_orderdate NUMBER(8,0) NOT NULL, lo_orderpriority CHAR(15) NOT NULL, lo_shippriority CHAR(1) NOT NULL, lo_quantity NUMBER(2, 0) NOT NULL, lo_extendedprice NUMBER NOT NULL, lo_ordtotalprice NUMBER NOT NULL, lo_discount NUMBER(2, 0) NOT NULL, lo_revenue NUMBER NOT NULL, lo_supplycost NUMBER NOT NULL, --lo_ordsupplycost NUMBER not null, -- this is mentioned in 2.2 Notes(c) but isn't in the layout or sample queries, so not needed? lo_tax NUMBER(1, 0) NOT NULL, lo_commitdate NUMBER(8,0) NOT NULL, lo_shipmode CHAR(10) NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE ssb.ext_part ( p_partkey INTEGER, p_name VARCHAR2(22), p_mfgr CHAR(6), p_category CHAR(7), p_brand1 CHAR(9), p_color VARCHAR2(11), p_type VARCHAR2(25), p_size NUMBER(2, 0), p_container CHAR(10) ) ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL (TYPE oracle_loader DEFAULT DIRECTORY ssb_dir ACCESS PARAMETERS ( FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' MISSING FIELD VALUES ARE NULL ) LOCATION('part.tbl')); CREATE TABLE ssb.part ( p_partkey INTEGER NOT NULL, p_name VARCHAR2(22) NOT NULL, p_mfgr CHAR(6) NOT NULL, p_category CHAR(7) NOT NULL, p_brand1 CHAR(9) NOT NULL, p_color VARCHAR2(11) NOT NULL, p_type VARCHAR2(25) NOT NULL, p_size NUMBER(2, 0) NOT NULL, p_container CHAR(10) NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE ssb.ext_supplier ( s_suppkey INTEGER, s_name CHAR(25), s_address VARCHAR2(25), s_city CHAR(10), s_nation CHAR(15), s_region CHAR(12), s_phone CHAR(15) ) ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL (TYPE oracle_loader DEFAULT DIRECTORY ssb_dir ACCESS PARAMETERS ( FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' MISSING FIELD VALUES ARE NULL ) LOCATION('supplier.tbl')); CREATE TABLE ssb.supplier ( s_suppkey INTEGER NOT NULL, s_name CHAR(25) NOT NULL, s_address VARCHAR2(25) NOT NULL, s_city CHAR(10) NOT NULL, s_nation CHAR(15) NOT NULL, s_region CHAR(12) NOT NULL, s_phone CHAR(15) NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE ssb.ext_customer ( c_custkey INTEGER, c_name VARCHAR2(25), c_address VARCHAR2(25), c_city CHAR(10), c_nation CHAR(15), c_region CHAR(12), c_phone CHAR(15), c_mktsegment CHAR(10) ) ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL (TYPE oracle_loader DEFAULT DIRECTORY ssb_dir ACCESS PARAMETERS ( FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' MISSING FIELD VALUES ARE NULL ) LOCATION('customer.tbl')); CREATE TABLE ssb.customer ( c_custkey INTEGER NOT NULL, c_name VARCHAR2(25) NOT NULL, c_address VARCHAR2(25) NOT NULL, c_city CHAR(10) NOT NULL, c_nation CHAR(15) NOT NULL, c_region CHAR(12) NOT NULL, c_phone CHAR(15) NOT NULL, c_mktsegment CHAR(10) NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE ssb.ext_date_dim ( d_datekey NUMBER(8,0), d_date CHAR(18), d_dayofweek CHAR(9), -- defined in Section 2.6 as Size 8, but Wednesday is 9 letters d_month CHAR(9), d_year NUMBER(4, 0), d_yearmonthnum NUMBER(6, 0), d_yearmonth CHAR(7), d_daynuminweek NUMBER(1, 0), d_daynuminmonth NUMBER(2, 0), d_daynuminyear NUMBER(3, 0), d_monthnuminyear NUMBER(2, 0), d_weeknuminyear NUMBER(2, 0), d_sellingseason CHAR(12), d_lastdayinweekfl NUMBER(1, 0), d_lastdayinmonthfl NUMBER(1, 0), d_holidayfl NUMBER(1, 0), d_weekdayfl NUMBER(1, 0) ) ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL (TYPE oracle_loader DEFAULT DIRECTORY ssb_dir ACCESS PARAMETERS ( FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' MISSING FIELD VALUES ARE NULL ) LOCATION('date.tbl')); CREATE TABLE ssb.date_dim ( d_datekey NUMBER(8,0) NOT NULL, d_date CHAR(18) NOT NULL, d_dayofweek CHAR(9) NOT NULL, -- defined in Section 2.6 as Size 8, but Wednesday is 9 letters d_month CHAR(9) NOT NULL, d_year NUMBER(4, 0) NOT NULL, d_yearmonthnum NUMBER(6, 0) NOT NULL, d_yearmonth CHAR(7) NOT NULL, d_daynuminweek NUMBER(1, 0) NOT NULL, d_daynuminmonth NUMBER(2, 0) NOT NULL, d_daynuminyear NUMBER(3, 0) NOT NULL, d_monthnuminyear NUMBER(2, 0) NOT NULL, d_weeknuminyear NUMBER(2, 0) NOT NULL, d_sellingseason CHAR(12) NOT NULL, d_lastdayinweekfl NUMBER(1, 0) NOT NULL, d_lastdayinmonthfl NUMBER(1, 0) NOT NULL, d_holidayfl NUMBER(1, 0) NOT NULL, d_weekdayfl NUMBER(1, 0) NOT NULL );
Now load the data. As you scale up into larger volumes, these steps are still valid; but you may want to split the loads into separate steps and alter the LINEORDER external table to read multiple files in parallel and use parallel dml on insert in order to speed up the process. The truncate lines aren’t necessary for the first time data load; but are included for future reloads of the dbgen data with other scaling.
TRUNCATE TABLE ssb.lineorder; TRUNCATE TABLE ssb.part; TRUNCATE TABLE ssb.supplier; TRUNCATE TABLE ssb.customer; TRUNCATE TABLE ssb.date_dim; ALTER TABLE ssb.lineorder PARALLEL 4; ALTER SESSION ENABLE PARALLEL DML; INSERT /*+ APPEND */ INTO ssb.part SELECT * FROM ssb.ext_part; commit; INSERT /*+ APPEND */ INTO ssb.supplier SELECT * FROM ssb.ext_supplier; commit; INSERT /*+ APPEND */ INTO ssb.customer SELECT * FROM ssb.ext_customer; commit; INSERT /*+ APPEND */ INTO ssb.date_dim SELECT * FROM ssb.ext_date_dim; commit; INSERT /*+ APPEND */ INTO ssb.lineorder SELECT * FROM ssb.ext_lineorder; commit;
And finally, add the constraints and indexes.
ALTER TABLE ssb.lineorder ADD CONSTRAINT pk_lineorder PRIMARY KEY(lo_orderkey, lo_linenumber); ALTER TABLE ssb.part ADD CONSTRAINT pk_part PRIMARY KEY(p_partkey); ALTER TABLE ssb.supplier ADD CONSTRAINT pk_supplier PRIMARY KEY(s_suppkey); ALTER TABLE ssb.customer ADD CONSTRAINT pk_customer PRIMARY KEY(c_custkey); ALTER TABLE ssb.date_dim ADD CONSTRAINT pk_date_dim PRIMARY KEY(d_datekey); --- ALTER TABLE ssb.lineorder ADD CONSTRAINT fk_lineitem_customer FOREIGN KEY(lo_custkey) REFERENCES ssb.customer(c_custkey); ALTER TABLE ssb.lineorder ADD CONSTRAINT fk_lineitem_part FOREIGN KEY(lo_partkey) REFERENCES ssb.part(p_partkey); ALTER TABLE ssb.lineorder ADD CONSTRAINT fk_lineitem_supplier FOREIGN KEY(lo_suppkey) REFERENCES ssb.supplier(s_suppkey); ALTER TABLE ssb.lineorder ADD CONSTRAINT fk_lineitem_orderdate FOREIGN KEY(lo_orderdate) REFERENCES ssb.date_dim(d_datekey); ALTER TABLE ssb.lineorder ADD CONSTRAINT fk_lineitem_commitdate FOREIGN KEY(lo_commitdate) REFERENCES ssb.date_dim(d_datekey);
And that’s it, you should now have a complete SSB scale-4 data set to complete either the SSB suite of test queries, oracle labs, or run your own tests.
If you want to generate larger data sets you can with similar syntax to that seen with TPC-H. The DDL and inserts above are already defined for either parallel or single-file loads of the lineorder table. The other tables are relatively small in comparison. They can still be split if desired but you probably won’t need to.
$ ./dbgen -s 10 -T c $ ./dbgen -s 10 -T p $ ./dbgen -s 10 -T s $ ./dbgen -s 10 -T d $ ./dbgen -s 10 -T l -C 4 -S 1 $ ./dbgen -s 10 -T l -C 4 -S 2 $ ./dbgen -s 10 -T l -C 4 -S 3 $ ./dbgen -s 10 -T l -C 4 -S 4