
Calculating Skewness of a Population

After completing my article about skewness of a sample for Joel Kallman Day I decided I could do one more and write up the related functionality for skewness of a population. Like skewness of a sample, the purpose of the function is to indicate the degree and direction of asymmetry in a data distribution. Like…

Large Number Combinatoric calculations in PL/SQL

Calculating factorials quickly explode into large results. The SQL and PL/SQL numeric types can’t hold the extremely large values generated by factorial computation of even relatively small numbers. Since several numeric types are subtypes, they inherit the limits of their parent type. All of the types will eventually overflow when the results get too big.…

Using Object Types: constructors

When an object type is instantiated (i.e. assigned a non-null value) it will execute initialization code. This initialization code is called a CONSTRUCTOR function. Every object type includes an implicit constructor which simply assigns values to the object attributes according to the values provided in the object assignment. For example: CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE simpleobject…

Nifty math trick with hierarchical query

Using the algorithm discovered by David Bailey, Peter Borwein, and Simon Plouffe, you can easily generate values of pi with a simple recursive query… SQL> SELECT d, to_char(bbp, rpad(‘0.’,55, ‘9’)) bbp,   2    TO_CHAR(   3       SUM(bbp) OVER (ORDER BY d),   4       ‘9.’ || RPAD(‘9’, d – 1, ‘9’)   5    ) pi  …