If you’re familiar with java, c, c# (or, I’m sure other languages as well) then you’ve probably encountered functions that allow a variable number of input parameters without requiring a fixed set of overloading.
int my_variable_function(String str, int ...intlist)
int my_variable_function(char *str, …)
int my_variable_function(string str, params int[] intlist)
PL/SQL does not expose a similar syntax for user-defined functions. However, it is possible to pass in a collection containing a variable number of values to achieve the same functionality, albeit with a slightly bulkier syntax.
For example…
FUNCTION my_variable_function(str IN VARCHAR2, intlist IN inttab:= NULL) RETURN INTEGER
Such a function could then be used as follows:
SELECT my_variable_function('test one'), my_variable_function('test two', inttab(1, 2, 3)), my_variable_function('test three', inttab()), my_variable_function('test four', NULL), my_variable_function('test five', inttab(9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1)) FROM DUAL;
One of the more common requests I’ve received that I solved with this technique is a multi-format date validator and/or date constructor. First, we need a collection type. In the example above I had a collection of integers, in this next one it will be a collection of varchar2 values, defined as follows:
Then we can define a function with the collection parameter like this:
CREATE FUNCTION dynamic_to_date(p_str IN VARCHAR2, p_formats IN vctab) RETURN DATE DETERMINISTIC IS v_temp DATE; v_successful BOOLEAN := FALSE; v_index INTEGER := p_formats.FIRST; BEGIN WHILE v_index <= p_formats.LAST AND NOT v_successful LOOP BEGIN v_temp := TO_DATE(p_str, p_formats(v_index)); v_successful := TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN -- Conversion failed, try next format in the list v_index := v_index + 1; END; END LOOP; IF v_successful THEN RETURN v_temp; ELSE RAISE VALUE_ERROR; END IF; END;
And then invoke it as follows:
SQL> SELECT dynamic_to_date('21 AUG 2009', 2 vctab('DD/MM/YYYY', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI', 'DD MON YYYY')) 3 FROM DUAL; DYNAMIC_TO_DATE('21 ------------------- 2009-08-21 00:00:00 SQL> SELECT dynamic_to_date('21 AUG 2009 AD', 2 vctab('DD/MM/YYYY', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI', 'DD MON YYYY')) 3 FROM dual; SELECT dynamic_to_date('21 AUG 2009 AD', * ERROR at line 1: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error ORA-06512: at "SDS.DYNAMIC_TO_DATE", line 26
Often when I build these types of functions I will include an optional parameter to provide alternate error handling. For example, returning an invoker-defined message on exception, or returning NULL.
CREATE FUNCTION dynamic_to_date(p_str IN VARCHAR2, p_formats IN vctab, p_on_error IN VARCHAR2:= NULL) RETURN DATE DETERMINISTIC IS v_temp DATE; v_ok BOOLEAN := FALSE; v_index INTEGER := p_formats.FIRST; BEGIN WHILE v_index <= p_formats.LAST AND NOT v_ok LOOP BEGIN v_temp := TO_DATE(p_str, p_formats(v_index)); v_ok := TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN -- Conversion failed, try next format in the list v_index := v_index + 1; END; END LOOP; IF v_ok THEN RETURN v_temp; ELSIF p_on_error IS NULL THEN RETURN NULL; ELSE raise_application_error(-20001, p_on_error, FALSE); END IF; END dynamic_to_date;
Then we can use the function the same with success or different results on failure.
SQL> SELECT dynamic_to_date('21 AUG 2009', 2 vctab('DD/MM/YYYY', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI', 'DD MON YYYY')) 3 FROM DUAL; DYNAMIC_TO_DATE('21 ------------------- 2009-08-21 00:00:00 SQL> SELECT dynamic_to_date('21 AUG 2009 AD', 2 vctab('DD/MM/YYYY', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI', 'DD MON YYYY')) 3 FROM dual; DYNAMIC_TO_DATE('21 ------------------- SQL> SELECT dynamic_to_date('21 AUG 2009 AD', 2 vctab('DD/MM/YYYY', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI', 'DD MON YYYY'), 3 'Input string does not match any of the supplied formats') 4 FROM dual; SELECT dynamic_to_date('21 AUG 2009 AD', * ERROR at line 1: ORA-20001: Input string does not match any of the supplied formats ORA-06512: at "SDS.DYNAMIC_TO_DATE", line 29 ORA-06512: at line 1
Using the same idea you can extend your own functions with input collections of dates, numbers, user-defined types, or even ANYDATA values. I hope you find it useful.