
Sending Email with Oracle, Part 3: UTL_SMTP – Introduction

Sending Email with Oracle UTL_SMTP UTL_SMTP has a richer functionality than the UTL_MAIL or APEX_MAIL packages; but that extra versatility comes with more complicated syntax. Before digging into the details of how the package works I’ll first show a short UTL_SMTP example, simply sending “Hello World!” to two recipients. DECLARE crlf CONSTANT VARCHAR2(2) := UTL_TCP.crlf;…

Looking Through Holes in Time

While testing some date/time functions today I came across an interesting quirk in Oracle’s Gregorian calendar and different date representations. In the Gregorian calendar, the day after October 4, 1582 is October 15, 1582 (not all countries adopted the calendar immediately, so they have different gaps, but Oracle observes the calendar as it was originally…