
Calculating Skewness of a Population

After completing my article about skewness of a sample for Joel Kallman Day I decided I could do one more and write up the related functionality for skewness of a population. Like skewness of a sample, the purpose of the function is to indicate the degree and direction of asymmetry in a data distribution. Like…

Oracle 23c Boolean support in SQL

For all the great new functionality introduced in a new database release, sometimes it’s the simple and small things that generate the most buzz. The 23c introduction of Boolean data types in SQL may be one of the biggest. For many years in prior releases the argument against a Boolean SQL type is that it…

Sending Email with Oracle, Part 2: APEX_MAIL

Sending Email with Oracle APEX_MAIL The APEX_MAIL package is a more robust version of what you’ll find with UTL_MAIL, but it is only available when APEX is installed. It also requires pre-configuration of the smtp server, port, authentication, wallets, and encryption. These features require APEX-administrative privileges to set. Since APEX might not be installed and…

Introduction to ASH Data, part 4

What is ASH? AWR and Activity Types Average Active Sessions Graphical Visualizations (this page) Up to this point in my ASH series all of the output was simply rows and columns of data, sometimes augmented with an ascii, text based chart. This time I’ll explore a few different tools to construct better visualizations. One of…

Looking Through Holes in Time

While testing some date/time functions today I came across an interesting quirk in Oracle’s Gregorian calendar and different date representations. In the Gregorian calendar, the day after October 4, 1582 is October 15, 1582 (not all countries adopted the calendar immediately, so they have different gaps, but Oracle observes the calendar as it was originally…