
Comparing 19c vs 21c JSON key lists

I found this functional surprise while responding to questions about my previous article. When you invoke the GET_KEYS method of JSON_OBJECT_T, if the collection is empty, 19c will return a NULL value; 21c will return a JSON_KEY_LIST collection of 0 elements. 19c SQL> DECLARE 2 v_version VARCHAR2(20); 3 v_compatible VARCHAR2(20); 4 v_keylist json_key_list; 5 BEGIN…

Sending Email with Oracle, Part 3: UTL_SMTP – Introduction

Sending Email with Oracle UTL_SMTP UTL_SMTP has a richer functionality than the UTL_MAIL or APEX_MAIL packages; but that extra versatility comes with more complicated syntax. Before digging into the details of how the package works I’ll first show a short UTL_SMTP example, simply sending “Hello World!” to two recipients. DECLARE crlf CONSTANT VARCHAR2(2) := UTL_TCP.crlf;…