
Using a Java function to iterate large JSON with many keys.

In my previous article I provided a few PL/SQL options for returning a collection of keys from a JSON document. They are simple to use and work well enough for most JSON sources I’ve encountered. SQL> select * from json_keys(json(‘{“a”:”test 1″, “b”: “test 2”, “c” : “test 3”}’)); COLUMN_VALUE ——————————————————————————– a b c Iudith Mentzel…

Comparing 19c vs 21c JSON key lists

I found this functional surprise while responding to questions about my previous article. When you invoke the GET_KEYS method of JSON_OBJECT_T, if the collection is empty, 19c will return a NULL value; 21c will return a JSON_KEY_LIST collection of 0 elements. 19c SQL> DECLARE 2 v_version VARCHAR2(20); 3 v_compatible VARCHAR2(20); 4 v_keylist json_key_list; 5 BEGIN…

Pipelined PL/SQL and Java with ODCI

In my previous article I showed how to build table functions, including pipelined functions with PL/SQL. To provide a simple, minimal example I created a function that would generate a list of numbers from 1 to some value provided by the invoker. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION nt_function_pipelined(n IN INTEGER) RETURN numtab PIPELINED IS BEGIN FOR…

Exiting the OJVM in your db session

When you invoke a java stored procedure you will instantiate the internal JVM (Java Virtual Machine) to execute that code. Since 11gR1, you can clear your session state with functions in the DBMS_JAVA package. DBMS_JAVA.endsession – this will clear your Java session state. DBMS_JAVA.endsession_and_related_state – this will clear your Java session state. It will also…

Oracle 23ai interval aggregates

A few years ago I wrote a couple articles about Day to Second and Year to Month intervals. In those articles I included examples of user-defined aggregates allowing you to sum the corresponding interval values. 23ai (formerly known as 23c) though has, thankfully, made those functions obsolete. As a quick recap for comparison… select dsintervalsum(result)…

Date/Timestamp Cheat Sheet

A collection of conversions, formats, math, generators, and conditions for date and timestamp data types. I’ll show most examples as simple SQL statements from DUAL. Many of the expressions could be used directly in PL/SQL without a query. Unless otherwise specified my examples have NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=American. If that is not the case for your sessions you…

Finding dates of holidays using PL/SQL

A common task for scheduling is to find when certain dates might occur. The package below includes functions to return various holidays observed in the U.S. for various years. The dates can be returned individually by calling specific holiday functions and passing in the year. For example: SQL> select holidays.independence_day(2023) from dual; HOLIDAYS.I ———- 2023-07-04…

SQL and Set Theory

I polled some friends for topics and one asked for an article on collections. I’ve written about collections before; but usually in the context of solving some other problem rather than focusing on them specifically. Before digging into the collection types and the SQL and PL/SQL syntax of using them; I want to start with…

Sending Email with Oracle, Part 3: UTL_SMTP – Introduction

Sending Email with Oracle UTL_SMTP UTL_SMTP has a richer functionality than the UTL_MAIL or APEX_MAIL packages; but that extra versatility comes with more complicated syntax. Before digging into the details of how the package works I’ll first show a short UTL_SMTP example, simply sending “Hello World!” to two recipients. DECLARE crlf CONSTANT VARCHAR2(2) := UTL_TCP.crlf;…

SQL vs Towers of Hanoi

The Towers of Hanoi are a classic children’s puzzle. With 3 pegs and a set of disks of differing sizes, the goal is to move a stack of disks (arranged with largest on the bottom to smallest on top) from one peg to another moving only one disk at a time, never putting a larger…

Recursive WITH clause join bug

I recently ran into a strange bug where I spent a lot of time banging my head trying to figure out why my recursion wasn’t working, causing ORA-32044: cycle detected while executing recursive WITH query errors to show up. After simplifying the query down to a single counter column I eventually discovered the problem was…

SQL meets Calculus

Yesterday, Connor McDonald posted an interesting article about a math puzzle he received asking him to calculate the integral of a function over a range. He posted two variations using the Trapezoidal Rule. In his post he mentions the Riemann sums method and I thought it would be interesting to explore that option as well.…

How to TNSPING without TNSPING

While the Instant Client is a popular client installation for many applications, very often developers and admins become frustrated by the conspicuous absence of the TNSPING utility. Developers using jdbc thin clients may also miss having this handy tool at their disposal. Fortunately there are ways to replicate some of the functionality of TNSPING using…