
SQL for the fun of it: finding typing patterns in words (Part 3 of 3)

Part 1
Part 2

I’ve continued to enjoy this little puzzle and trying to find different ways of solving it. I’ve used the CONNECT BY clause to unpivot words into lists of letters but in this article I’ll show a more direct recursion on the word and then wrap up the series with the smallest and most efficient solution.

First, a recursive technique using CONNECT BY.
I’ll use TRANSLATE to map each letter to its corresponding hand and then recursively check if each letter alternates hands from the previous one. On the first repeat of a hand, the recursion stops and the search ends for that word. Finding words ending with the left hand is achieved with a simple LIKE condition (WHERE hand LIKE ‘%L’.)

    SELECT word,
           LEVEL lvl,
      FROM (SELECT word,
                   LENGTH(word) len,
                   TRANSLATE(word, 'qwertasdfgzxcvb yuiophjklnm', 'LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL RRRRRRRRRRR') hand
              FROM words)
     WHERE hand LIKE '%L'
CONNECT BY word = PRIOR word
       AND LEVEL <= len
       AND (LEVEL = 1 OR SUBSTR(hand, LEVEL - 1, 2) IN ('RL', 'LR'))

This parses words into a series like this:

WORD       LEN   LVL HAND     
--------- ---- ----- ---------
aid          3     1 LRL      
aid          3     2 LRL      
aid          3     3 LRL      
baklava      7     1 LLRRLLL  
chair        5     1 LRLRL    
chair        5     2 LRLRL    
chair        5     3 LRLRL    
chair        5     4 LRLRL    
chair        5     5 LRLRL    
purchase     8     1 RRLLRLLL

Finding words that alternate from the first to the last letter is then just a matter of pulling rows where the level reaches the length of the word. In the example above that would be aid and chair, dropping baklava and purchase.

  FROM (    SELECT word, len, LEVEL lvl
              FROM (SELECT word,
                               'qwertasdfgzxcvb yuiophjklnm',
                               'LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL RRRRRRRRRRR'
                      FROM words)
             WHERE hand LIKE '%L'
        CONNECT BY     word = PRIOR word
                   AND LEVEL <= len
                   AND (LEVEL = 1 OR SUBSTR(hand, LEVEL - 1, 2) IN ('RL', 'LR'))
                   AND PRIOR SYS_GUID() IS NOT NULL)
 WHERE lvl = len;

That works pretty well. While connect by can be somewhat cpu and memory intensive, I do like the searching has an early exit when a word repeats a hand unlike previously explored methods.

The next, perhaps obvious, method to try is a recursive sub-query factoring clause (WITH clause.) The syntax changes but the logic of the recursion is essentially the same. Translate the letters to hand, for each letter check if it alternates from the previous hand or not. If the hands alternate then continue, if they do not, then end early for that word. Keep only those rows where the counter reaches the length of the word.

    translated(word, hand)
        (SELECT word,
                          'qwertasdfgzxcvb yuiophjklnm', 
                          'LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL RRRRRRRRRRR') hand
           FROM words),
    x(word, hand, n)
        (SELECT word, hand, 1
           FROM translated
          WHERE hand LIKE '%L'
         UNION ALL
         SELECT word, hand, n + 1
           FROM x
          WHERE SUBSTR(hand, n, 2) IN ('RL', 'LR'))
  FROM x
 WHERE n = LENGTH(word);

It’s slightly more cumbersome syntax but I think it’s an easier read for those new to the syntax compared to the CONNECT BY. It also doesn’t require any special tricks like the SYS_GUID() to properly connect children of each word.

And finally, while I have enjoyed playing around with syntax to find different methods to solve the same original question, all of them are unnecessarily complex. The two answers above provide a hint as to the direction I would go if I had to implement this in production instead of just for academic curiosity.

First, simply translate the letters to hands and then check if the resulting “word” was of the form LRLR…RL or RLRL…RL. That is, does it alternate with RL (so it ends with an L) and possibly start with an L?

So, a single call to translate and a regular expression filter provides the answer, both simply and efficiently.

                               'qwertasdfgzxcvb yuiophjklnm',
                               'LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL RRRRRRRRRRR') hand
          FROM words)

If you have an older version of the database that doesn’t support regular expressions, or if you wanted to port this puzzle and answer to non-Oracle systems. Then you can simply construct an alternating word using padding functions. Remember to check both right and left starting letters in the alternating.

This is slightly more complex than using REGEXP_LIKE; but this version should be supported back to at least version 7.3.

  FROM (SELECT word,
               TRANSLATE(word, 'qwertasdfgzxcvb yuiophjklnm', 'LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL RRRRRRRRRRR') hand
          FROM wordlist)
 WHERE     hand LIKE '%L'
       AND hand IN ('L' || RPAD('RL', LENGTH(word) - 1, 'RL'), RPAD('RL', LENGTH(word), 'RL'));

I hope you enjoyed this little exercise as much as I have. Thank you for reading!