
Partitioned Outer Joins – something old and new at the same time.

This past week I was looking through the Oracle documentation on a task of pedantry; looking up the exact description of Oracle’s outer join syntax. While digging through the syntax diagrams and explanations of the SQL Reference I came across the phrase “partitioned outer join”. It’s an old feature now, having been around since 2003 with the introduction of 10gR1. However, I don’t recall ever having used it before. I probably read about it back then, but having not practiced it, it had fallen out of memory.

I asked around and found many others had never used it either. That sounded like a good topic for a blog article.

Much like an analytic function windowing clause, the partitioning applies the same value to each row in the partition and then applies the outer join condition to those rows.
Compare this to a non-partitioned outer join (a normal outer join) where each unmatched row of the driving table will have one row in the result set with nulls for the missing outer joined table.
With a partitioned outer join, the null-rows for each unmatched row of the driving table will be repeated for each partition expression.

To illustrate, I’ll use the standard Order Entry (OE) sample schema.
If I outer join all orders by month for the year 2007 I might use a query like this:

        (    SELECT ADD_MONTHS(DATE '2007-01-01', LEVEL - 1) month
               FROM DUAL
         CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 12),
        (SELECT customer_id, TRUNC(order_date, 'mm') order_month, order_id
           FROM oe.orders
          WHERE order_date >= DATE '2007-01-01' AND order_date < DATE '2008-01-01')
  SELECT customer_id, m.month, order_id
    FROM months m LEFT JOIN orders_by_month o ON o.order_month = m.month
ORDER BY customer_id, month

Which will produce 70 rows, 69 rows of results for customers that have orders for some months and one null-row for January where no customer placed an order.

----------- ---------- ----------
        101 2007-08-01       2458
        101 2007-10-01       2430
        102 2007-03-01       2414
        102 2007-09-01       2432
        102 2007-11-01       2397
        103 2007-09-01       2433
        103 2007-10-01       2454
        104 2007-03-01       2416
        104 2007-09-01       2438
        105 2007-03-01       2417
        105 2007-08-01       2439
        107 2007-03-01       2419
        107 2007-08-01       2440
        107 2007-11-01       2360
        108 2007-03-01       2420
        108 2007-11-01       2361
        109 2007-03-01       2421
        109 2007-07-01       2444
        109 2007-11-01       2362
        116 2007-06-01       2369
        116 2007-09-01       2436
        116 2007-10-01       2453
        116 2007-11-01       2428
        117 2007-07-01       2446
        117 2007-11-01       2429
        118 2007-05-01       2371
        118 2007-10-01       2457
        119 2007-02-01       2372
        122 2007-02-01       2375
        123 2007-06-01       2376
        141 2007-06-01       2377
        142 2007-05-01       2378
        143 2007-05-01       2380
        144 2007-09-01       2435
        144 2007-10-01       2363
        144 2007-12-01       2422
        145 2007-06-01       2448
        145 2007-08-01       2364
        145 2007-09-01       2455
        145 2007-11-01       2423
        146 2007-05-01       2379
        146 2007-06-01       2449
        146 2007-08-01       2365
        146 2007-11-01       2424
        147 2007-04-01       2450
        147 2007-08-01       2366
        147 2007-12-01       2385
        148 2007-06-01       2406
        148 2007-12-01       2451
        148 2007-12-01       2386
        149 2007-03-01       2387
        149 2007-09-01       2434
        149 2007-10-01       2452
        149 2007-11-01       2427
        150 2007-06-01       2388
        152 2007-11-01       2390
        154 2007-07-01       2392
        157 2007-11-01       2398
        158 2007-11-01       2399
        159 2007-07-01       2400
        160 2007-07-01       2401
        161 2007-07-01       2402
        162 2007-07-01       2403
        163 2007-07-01       2404
        164 2007-07-01       2405
        165 2007-06-01       2407
        166 2007-06-01       2408
        167 2007-06-01       2409
        169 2007-05-01       2411

Now let’s add the PARTITION BY clause, so we can see the calendar for each customer. That is, we don’t just want to see January for the entire result set as nulls, we want to see which months for each customer were lacking an order.

        (    SELECT ADD_MONTHS(DATE '2007-01-01', LEVEL - 1) month
               FROM DUAL
         CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 12),
        (SELECT customer_id, TRUNC(order_date, 'mm') order_month, order_id
           FROM oe.orders
          WHERE order_date >= DATE '2007-01-01' AND order_date < DATE '2008-01-01')
  SELECT customer_id, m.month, order_id
    FROM months m 
  LEFT JOIN orders_by_month o PARTITION BY (customer_id)
    ON o.order_month = m.month
ORDER BY customer_id, month

And now we get the 12 months repeated for each customer and if there are no orders for a month, we get a null row for that customer for that month. The query produces 457 rows, I have abbreviated the output below to just the first 4 customers.

----------- ---------- ----------
        101 2007-01-01           
        101 2007-02-01           
        101 2007-03-01           
        101 2007-04-01           
        101 2007-05-01           
        101 2007-06-01           
        101 2007-07-01           
        101 2007-08-01       2458
        101 2007-09-01           
        101 2007-10-01       2430
        101 2007-11-01           
        101 2007-12-01           
        102 2007-01-01           
        102 2007-02-01           
        102 2007-03-01       2414
        102 2007-04-01           
        102 2007-05-01           
        102 2007-06-01           
        102 2007-07-01           
        102 2007-08-01           
        102 2007-09-01       2432
        102 2007-10-01           
        102 2007-11-01       2397
        102 2007-12-01           
        103 2007-01-01           
        103 2007-02-01           
        103 2007-03-01           
        103 2007-04-01           
        103 2007-05-01           
        103 2007-06-01           
        103 2007-07-01           
        103 2007-08-01           
        103 2007-09-01       2433
        103 2007-10-01       2454
        103 2007-11-01           
        103 2007-12-01           
        104 2007-01-01           
        104 2007-02-01           
        104 2007-03-01       2416
        104 2007-04-01           
        104 2007-05-01           
        104 2007-06-01           
        104 2007-07-01           
        104 2007-08-01           
        104 2007-09-01       2438
        104 2007-10-01           
        104 2007-11-01           
        104 2007-12-01           

While partitioned outer joins aren’t something I expect to use often; I will try to keep my eye out for opportunities to use them. I’m sure sometime in the past 15 years I’ve probably written a query using multiple self-joins and/or joins to additional tables to produce the same functionality… another tool for my toolbox.

Questions and comments, as always, are welcome.