Several years ago I needed to calculate the skewness of some data. That is, an indication of how asymmetric points are within a distribution. Unfortunately, I found there was no native feature to do this within SQL. So I wrote my own with the Oracle Data Cartridge Interface (ODCI.) Using ODCI you can create your own aggregate functions like MIN, MAX, and AVG.
Recently I had cause to revisit that function and thought I could do a little better. This also seemed like a good opportunity to share some of my work in tribute to Joel Kallman for all he gave to the Oracle community.
A happy discovery while looking into my old code – in the intervening years since my first implmentation Oracle had provided the SKEWNESS_SAMP function to their SQL implementation beginning with the 21c release.
Before I get into the doing things the hard way of implementing my own function, I’ll show the native way.
Here I’m calculating a small, known data set 1,2,4,8,16.
SQL> SELECT skewness_samp(n) 2 FROM ( SELECT POWER(2, LEVEL - 1) n 3 FROM DUAL 4* CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 5); SKEWNESS_SAMP(N) ___________________________________________ 1.32531470981340446231691036153849023328
Next I'll use dba_objects which has around100,000 objects in my test database. Your results will vary.
SQL> SELECT skewness_samp(object_id) 2* FROM dba_objects; SKEWNESS_SAMP(OBJECT_ID) ___________________________________________ 1.26477910446002342095053639554088606526
To implement my calculations, I'll be using the following formula:
- n = number of elements in the sample
= the ith element within the sample (Sum where i=1 to n)
= the mean of the sample
= the standard deviation of the sample
So, using the same data as above, we can test this formula.
SQL> WITH sample_data AS 2 (SELECT POWER(2, LEVEL - 1) n 3 FROM DUAL 4 CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 5) 5 SELECT SUM(z) skewness 6 FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) OVER() 7 / (COUNT(*) OVER() - 1) 8 / (COUNT(*) OVER() - 2) 9 * POWER((n - AVG(n) OVER()) / STDDEV(n) OVER(), 3) z 10* FROM sample_data); SKEWNESS ___________________________________________ 1.32531470981340493277036905772942591043
So, it's not exactly the same as the native function, but differing only after 15 decimal places I think it's safe to say it's a limitation of internal rounding errors.
Using this logic we can build a function to iterate on a collection, such as an already aggregated set of values. With my function I'll have it return null and 0 for data sets of 0, 1, or 2 values.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION numtabskewness(p_nums IN numtab) RETURN NUMBER IS v_result NUMBER; v_count INTEGER := p_nums.COUNT; BEGIN -- Implement the formula -- n/((n-1)(n-2)) SUM((x(i) - m)/s)^3 -- -- Where: -- n = number of elements in the sample -- x(i) = the ith element with the sample (Sum where i=1..n) -- m = the mean of the sample -- s = the standard deviation of the sample CASE v_count WHEN 0 THEN v_result := NULL; WHEN 1 THEN v_result := 0; WHEN 2 THEN v_result := 0; ELSE SELECT SUM(z) INTO v_result FROM (SELECT v_count / (v_count - 1) / (v_count - 2) * POWER( (COLUMN_VALUE - AVG(COLUMN_VALUE) OVER()) / STDDEV(COLUMN_VALUE) OVER(), 3) z FROM TABLE(p_nums)); END CASE; RETURN v_result; END;
Where numtab is a simple nested table collection:
Using it is simply getting a collection and passing it to the function.
SQL> SELECT numtabskewness(nums) FROM (SELECT numtab(1, 2, 4, 8, 16) nums FROM DUAL); NUMTABSKEWNESS(NUMS) ___________________________________________ 1.32531470981340493277036905772942591043 SQL> SELECT numtabskewness(CAST(COLLECT(object_id) AS numtab)) FROM dba_objects; NUMTABSKEWNESS(CAST(COLLECT(OBJECT_ID)ASNUMTAB)) ___________________________________________________ 1.26477910446002362104514032748246287218
That works, but seems kind of inefficient to use sql within the pl/sql to do the calculation. We can iterate directly on the collection itself.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sds.numtabskewness2(p_nums IN numtab) RETURN NUMBER IS v_variance NUMBER := 0; v_stddev NUMBER; v_mean NUMBER := 0; v_temp NUMBER := 0; v_count INTEGER := p_nums.COUNT; v_result NUMBER; BEGIN -- Implement the formula -- n/((n-1)(n-2)) SUM((x(i) - m)/s)^3 -- -- Where: -- n = number of elements in the sample -- x(i) = the ith element with the sample (Sum where i=1..n) -- m = the mean of the sample -- s = the standard deviation of the sample CASE v_count WHEN 0 THEN v_result := NULL; WHEN 1 THEN v_result := 0; WHEN 2 THEN v_result := 0; ELSE -- Calculate the mean from the total and count FOR i IN 1 .. v_count LOOP v_mean := v_mean + p_nums(i); END LOOP; v_mean := v_mean / v_count; -- calculate the variance by iterating through all of the values again FOR i IN 1 .. v_count LOOP v_variance := v_variance + ((p_nums(i) - v_mean) ** 2); END LOOP; v_variance := v_variance / (v_count-1); -- Standard deviation of population = square root of variance v_stddev := SQRT(v_variance); -- Sum the cube of the difference from mean divided by standard deviation FOR i IN 1 .. v_count LOOP v_temp := v_temp + POWER((p_nums(i) - v_mean) / v_stddev, 3); END LOOP; -- apply count factoring against the sum v_result := v_count / (v_count - 1) / (v_count - 2) * v_temp; END CASE; RETURN v_result; END; /
Testing the function on the same sample data used previously, note the calculated value is very similar to but not exactly the same as the previous version for a large sample. Again, something small in the internal rounding; but this time only after 37 decimal places.
SQL> SELECT numtabskewness2(nums) FROM (SELECT numtab(1, 2, 4, 8, 16) nums FROM DUAL); NUMTABSKEWNESS2(NUMS) ___________________________________________ 1.32531470981340493277036905772942591043 SQL> SELECT numtabskewness2(CAST(COLLECT(object_id) AS numtab)) FROM dba_objects; NUMTABSKEWNESS(CAST(COLLECT(OBJECT_ID)ASNUMTAB)) ___________________________________________________ 1.26477910446002362104514032748246287204
These work as long as we already have an aggregated collection, but it would be simpler to just call an aggregate directly. This is how I chose to implement my original function, using the ODCI syntax. Using this user-defined aggregate we can invoke it with a simple:
SELECT skewness(x) FROM sample_data;
Unfortunately, we can't use native aggregate results within our user-defined aggregate. So, we'll have to generate the count, mean, and standard deviation ourselves. To that end, we'll keep a running count and total along with the actual values as we go.
CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE skewness_agg_type AS OBJECT ( v_values numtab, STATIC FUNCTION odciaggregateinitialize(ctx IN OUT skewness_agg_type) RETURN NUMBER, MEMBER FUNCTION odciaggregateiterate(self IN OUT skewness_agg_type, p_value IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER, MEMBER FUNCTION odciaggregatemerge(self IN OUT skewness_agg_type, ctx2 IN skewness_agg_type) RETURN NUMBER, MEMBER FUNCTION odciaggregateterminate(self IN skewness_agg_type, returnvalue OUT NUMBER, flags IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER ); /
CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE BODY skewness_agg_type IS STATIC FUNCTION odciaggregateinitialize(ctx IN OUT skewness_agg_type) RETURN NUMBER IS BEGIN -- Initialize to an empty collection ctx := skewness_agg_type(numtab()); RETURN odciconst.success; END odciaggregateinitialize; MEMBER FUNCTION odciaggregateiterate(self IN OUT skewness_agg_type, p_value IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS BEGIN -- For each new value, -- add the value to our collection self.v_values.EXTEND; self.v_values(self.v_values.COUNT) := p_value; RETURN odciconst.success; END odciaggregateiterate; MEMBER FUNCTION odciaggregatemerge(self IN OUT skewness_agg_type, ctx2 IN skewness_agg_type) RETURN NUMBER IS BEGIN -- If merging two sub-results (possibly from parallel threads) -- The collection should hold all values from both intermediate results self.v_values := self.v_values MULTISET UNION ALL ctx2.v_values; RETURN odciconst.success; END odciaggregatemerge; MEMBER FUNCTION odciaggregateterminate(self IN skewness_agg_type, returnvalue OUT NUMBER, flags IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS v_count INTEGER := self.v_values.COUNT; BEGIN -- Implement the formula -- n/((n-1)(n-2)) SUM((x(i) - m)/s)^3 -- -- Where: -- n = number of elements in the sample -- x(i) = the ith element with the sample (Sum where i=1..n) -- m = the mean of the sample -- s = the standard deviation of the sample SELECT SUM(z) INTO returnvalue FROM (SELECT v_count / (v_count - 1) / (v_count - 2) * POWER( (COLUMN_VALUE - AVG(COLUMN_VALUE) OVER()) / STDDEV(COLUMN_VALUE) OVER(), 3) z FROM TABLE(self.v_values)); RETURN odciconst.success; END odciaggregateterminate; END; /
Now we have an aggregate function we can test it with the same sample data above and should get the same result.
SQL> SELECT skewness(n) 2 FROM ( SELECT POWER(2, LEVEL - 1) n 3 FROM DUAL 4 CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 5); SKEWNESS(N) ___________________________________________ 1.32531470981340493277036905772942591043 SQL> SELECT skewness(object_id) 2 FROM dba_objects; SKEWNESS(OBJECT_ID) ___________________________________________ 1.26477910446002362104514032748246287218
As expected, the terminating member function using the SQL-based approach returns the same results as the SQL results shown above. Rewriting the terminator to iterate across the collection with pl/sql, will return those results. Below I've only listed the terminate function, the rest of the object body is the same as above.
MEMBER FUNCTION odciaggregateterminate(self IN skewness_agg_type, returnvalue OUT NUMBER, flags IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS v_variance NUMBER := 0; v_stddev NUMBER; v_mean NUMBER := 0; v_temp NUMBER := 0; v_count INTEGER := v_values.COUNT; BEGIN -- Implement the formula -- n/((n-1)(n-2)) SUM((x(i) - m)/s)^3 -- -- Where: -- n = number of elements in the sample -- x(i) = the ith element with the sample (Sum where i=1..n) -- m = the mean of the sample -- s = the standard deviation of the sample CASE v_count WHEN 0 THEN returnvalue := NULL; WHEN 1 THEN returnvalue := 0; WHEN 2 THEN returnvalue := 0; ELSE -- Calculate the mean from the total and count FOR i IN 1 .. v_count LOOP v_mean := v_mean + v_values(i); END LOOP; v_mean := v_mean / v_count; -- Calculate the variance by iterating through all of the values FOR i IN 1 .. v_count LOOP v_variance := v_variance + ((v_values(i) - v_mean) ** 2); END LOOP; v_variance := v_variance / (v_count-1); -- Standard deviation = square root of variance v_stddev := SQRT(v_variance); -- Sum the cube of the difference from mean divided by standard deviation FOR i IN 1 .. v_count LOOP v_temp := v_temp + POWER((v_values(i) - v_mean) / v_stddev, 3); END LOOP; -- apply count factoring against the sum returnvalue := v_count / (v_count - 1) / (v_count - 2) * v_temp; END CASE; RETURN odciconst.success; END odciaggregateterminate;
As expected, the results are the same as the previous pl/sql-based iteration.
SQL> SELECT skewness(n) 2 FROM ( SELECT POWER(2, LEVEL - 1) n 3 FROM DUAL 4 CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 5); SKEWNESS(N) ___________________________________________ 1.32531470981340493277036905772942591043 SQL> SELECT skewness(object_id) 2 FROM dba_objects; SKEWNESS(OBJECT_ID) ___________________________________________ 1.26477910446002362104514032748246287204
If you are unfamiliar with the ODCI syntax, the constructs above may appear overly complex; but they are actually fairly easy to use.
Each aggregate needs 4 parts
- initializer - this is the method invoked by the function before processing any rows. It sets up initial values, in this case an empty collection.
- iterator - This method is invoked once for each row processed. For this example, it appends the new value to the stored collection.
- merge - this method might not be called but is necessary to ensure proper processing of sub-results. The most common reason to encounter these would be parallel queries where 2 threads each process some subset of the data and the PQ coordinator must merge the results into a single total result
- terminator - this method is invoked after the last row is processed and a final result needs to be returned
If you have 21c or later then I recommend using the native functions over these manual methods, but if you have an older version or if you need to adjust the implementation to accommodate your own rounding rules, I hope these examples provide a useful framework to build on.